Monday, March 17, 2008

Hervey Bay, capital of whales, or capital of cruelty?

I have never seen so much sanctioned cruelty to dogs, as I have seen in Hervey Bay. I have learnt that in Queensland, provided that you say you exercise the dog one hour a day, you can leave a dog tied up its entire life to the back clothesline, or anywhere you choose. That's 365 days a year, every year for the 10 or so years of its life.
In Hervey Bay, people exercise this option. Dogs are left tied up all day, in all weather, and the Council does nothing. Zilch, zero, nought. It is a disgrace to this city.
The council dog department seems to sympathise with renters, and others without adequate fencing. Instead of fining these people, or taking the dog away, or insisting they put up a fence and so let the dog off the tie, they do nothing.
Their own bylaws clearly state that if you have a dog, you must have a fence that will contain all parts of the dog and keep the dog in your yard. That's pretty simple isn't it? Why is it so hard for the council to enforce its own laws? Sympathy for the "underdog" owner? Laziness?

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